Tuesday, April 25, 2017

to look back, beyond

Do I sometimes wish I have instagram and living my life through the number of likes I get every single day? 


I came of age when social media is non-existent.  We didn't even have a phone line.  So my means of communication is actually seeing my friends and relatives in the flesh.  After the undergraduate degree, it was so easy to lose track of a few significant people from school.  But there were always ways to correspond. I wrote letters.  Maybe I wrote a lot of crap.  I was young, there was no internet,  I had to buy books and magazines or go to the library.

These days, it's way too easy.  The acquaintances who knew me when I was seven or younger are just a click away. Ironically, I've become too complacent. Maybe it's time to reverse that trend a little bit.



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