Thursday, March 06, 2014

Almost fell asleep

I watched the Academy Awards a day and a few hours late and deleted it right away. Ellen was following the rules, very sycophantic towards the movie stars. I'd rather listen to the wise words (or hear the singing voice) of Seth McFarlane.

All the major winners were a bit predictable. Matthew McConaughey's speech was different, made me utilise the grey matter. As one article pointed out, he'll do well as a motivational speaker. I've got to see How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days again to remind myself that his accent is not one dimensional.

I was mostly happy to see Daniel Day Lewis in the ceremony. He doesn't usually grace a lot of shindigs. But there he was on stage, reminding me, that I have to look and find a copy of My Beautiful Laundrette.

I haven't seen a lot of movies on the telly for almost two years, in cinema, even longer. But I might buckle down and improve my time management. Starting with The Great Gatsby, hope it's still playing on Sky.

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