Wednesday, February 19, 2014

corrosive distraction

Mindless reading is my greatest weakness. Others succumb to the lure of cigarettes or alcohol. I do a lot of pop-up reading I'm not entirely certain whether it's useful or necessary as we journey through this lifetime. I use my phone (type random names on google) or the newspapers and magazines handed out for free at Tube stations. At the weekend I grabbed a copy of Time magazine ( should I buy when it's available online?). There was a chronology on popular boy bands in one of the pages. I haven't deciphered every single article yet. But it reminds me to read more on Margaret O'Brien.

Reading is good. But I read the gossip pages instead of washing up or ironing or hoovering. Or baking ( I bake now. Hurray!). So I'm writing this amid clutter and wreckage. I should remember to post and wrap mails and parcels and start the lay-out on my little girl's album. Going through my list of chores is not exactly fun or exciting.

But I'll be more moribund if I will not move my ass at this point of touching letters on screen. I'll start in the kitchen. Nibble a cheesecake before midnight? I might as well, read.

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