Monday, December 30, 2013

simply saccharine

The year swift through like the fastest of hurricane,

and my baby transformed into a little lady right before my eyes.

Our lives revolve around our tiny highness ; our schedule, the chores, our utter joy. It has been exhausting. I have to pause and ponder about how she makes our existence much more meaningful, much more fun.

I would have preferred to write more, read more, cook more perhaps but the routine with the high chair and when the weather is brighter and sunnier, the pram, takes precedence over blogging concerns. I'm not much into social media. I don't share much pictures on Facebook. I'm not in Instagram. I don't moan on Twitter. As I have written before on these very pages, family and friends can always text or email me for communication purposes.

The toddler years do not take long. They're such sweet years, especially after spending time with our resident sweetness.

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