Thursday, August 22, 2013

the long grass

reading rubbish up to this point, that's the existence. i won't really call them rubbish, they're quite useful, it's mostly about the Filipino soap, hklm, it's finishing tomorrow, so no more dashing with the chores when i'm about to go to work. twitter has been really helpful this time. there were a few trolls in the comments section of you tube and Facebook, bashing the lead stars. can't please every single individual on this earth.

like the blog, i don't update much on twitter, i don't have many followers. the ones with millions of twitter followers are celebrities. i'm no sleb. i don't even have a thousand friends who matter. the tiny circle is just fine.

facebook meanwhile is such an assistance for all types of friends and family. I'm not posting any thing on the FB wall either, not for a long while, it'll change soon though, bit by bit.

the very young, the ones born decades or much, much later than me are quite adept in incorporating social media into their lives. while i could just untangle my link to the web without tears. that's the beauty of not being able to afford a typewriter during those years of term papers and writing assignments. it was harder to go through life with the messy hard copies and broken finger nails but we survived.

these days, it's all too quick, i'm on my phone, blogging and about to check twitter.

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