Wednesday, July 31, 2013

high speed bike chase

in the slums. in the heaviest of Manila's traffic. the only reason I seek the Bourne Legacy (haven't seen all the previous Bourne films) because a few shots used my country's capital as a glorious backdrop. and movies sell more than documentaries. and blockbusters sell to the favoured denomination, of the portion of the global population who don't require to think, but just to watch, observe and follow. however long it took me to decipher (i'm a slow learner) that RP may not yet boast of elegance in its various metropolis. but when it comes to natural landscape, chicken barbecue and warmth of its guest relations committee, we're the sweet icing.

as for Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz, the film is too light for their range. but hope they enjoyed the views in Palawan (the closing credit scene in the boat).

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