Monday, March 25, 2013

chums, be not

it's supposed to be my downtime, the break from a day of cooing and baby talk but sweet little girl decided to wake up to keep me company and such.

I'm waiting for answers to my emails, hoover the particles, clean the high chair, read more about the Kris saga (quitting showbiz?), the state of world economy or technical, scientific matters. I heard from one PhD candidate in last week's lecture ( I was yawning so loud, the lecturer told me off ), "as N's we don't read much." yeah, but we're a tad curious, that's all the time curious about the ephemeral activities of our dearest acquaintances.

forget reading, per se. most people I know don't really care about the written word be it balarila, spelling, newspapers, etc. the spoken word is more thrilling, the comparisons of lives asunder. you're dropped from circles due to inability to watch TFC. but there are also others who will seek your counsel. when I was with ate Lu two weeks ago, her phone won't stop ringing with friends asking her to go shopping or roam around the city. mine doesn't ring as much. should it pierce my hypothalamus sharply? should I burst into tears?

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