Sunday, September 30, 2012


the baby girl has rattled the calendar. it's not her routines per se that drain energy. it's the interruptions. the screaming, wailing delays meals, reading, housework. but since she's this adorable tyke ( photographs don't do her justice, speaking like a mother), she's all worth the agonising efforts. she also has a mother who thinks pushing prams is overrated. i can't wait before she can walk. the buggy just takes too much space in public places and jousting for these spaces is an olympic sport in itself. mothers are like vultures. i breed, now go away?

it's an advantage that baby girl is still small enough for the baby carrier ( like the bouncer, truly a life saving device). it was a huge challenge bringing her to the Olympic park during the last event of the Paralympics, hottest day of the year, not so prudent to have less than eight week old infant in tow, we were offered front seats though (proving that the volunteers were saints). now, at 11 weeks, in the early days of autumn, she's a gem.

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