Saturday, May 19, 2012

hurry, hurry rain

woke up early this morning, trawled the web, read this and that in the lifestyle pages of Philippine papers and basically went back to sleep.  i have stuff to do.  there are always stuff to do. and my blood sugar levels don't like sleep that much, i need to iron clothes and uniforms from the clean hamper box.  nevertheless, i  feel sleepy and tired.  who knows if it's going to rain or shine today, i still don't like clothes being hanged in front of the house (as dwellers upstairs do).  i think it's tacky.  at the back garden, go ahead (not having a back garden is no excuse). but in front? no.

 as i'm getting really older, we need to save enough money for a new abode.  the thfc friends and acquaintances are great.  who isn't happy and lighthearted in the company of friends? but they not only expensive, listening and reading their posts on a lot of issues in the forum sometimes, is desolating.  is blonde really more beautiful than all other hair color?  is the caucasian exterior the be all and end all of  beauty?  mostly the banter about team dominates talk and proceedings.  i guess for the hubby, it's better than staying home and catching it on the telly, like all other plastics.  my company is not that entertaining, or alluring.  but an away match specially, costs hard-earned cash and the eurozone is imploding right this very minute.  recession is not a nice word.

now, i have to check my BP and blood sugar.  hoping for good results.

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