Monday, January 02, 2012

to give thanks, to curse

the hubby is making me ensaymada (such a laborious process).  he doesn't eat Filipino delicacies.  however, he understands my cravings for the taste of home.  during christmas, i had some maja blanca and halo-halo (we don't have a blender, hint, hint for a handy gift for our birthdays in june).  but with food though, i can barely eat without throwing up my gastric contents. it's a hard life.  i have to be in bed as usual.  i can barely lift a finger, without feeling dizzy.

at least the yuletide season is over.  there are no more presents to distribute, parties to attend (not that i attended any parties), alcohol to smell. we had no click and smile ritual beside the christmas tree on the  25th. i love the presents. the london fireworks are magnificent on television.  my brother had his wedding, his bride has good manners. some girls from within their high-falluting perch, are bitchier than usual. not texting back? the greeting cards distributed are products of hard work, i could barely make it in the cold. i don't need the lukewarm reciprocity.  if one gets a message out of nowhere, isn't that wonderful?  my friend joy (another joy) from North Carolina, sent me a thoughtful family card,  just like last year.  i didn't send her anything.  not even a greeting in facebook.  i'm not even considered her BFF.  but there's depth in friendship somewhow.

fine,  if we can only relax in the beach at this junction.

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