Thursday, April 08, 2010


It’s a beautiful day or probably it is, I’m merely peeking at the window. I’ve been so tired the last few days, can’t recover that easily from the gruelling hours of travel and jumping unto work right away. Other people can. Fat old me struggles from exhaustion. I woke up late and wasn’t able to catch the movie I’ve been planning to discern for weeks at the cinema. A twelve noon viewing time is way too early for me these days.. My husband told me that it’s uploaded in the computer, blah, blah, blah. But you know, my seven pounds could go a long way in helping out the film’s lead stars carve an even more luxurious lifestyle. It’s sometimes all about the money.

My nephew who’s eight was narrating to me the entire plot of Twilight and New Moon. Are the Twilight series for kids or teenagers or both? He was asking questions about vampires and babies and my explanations were hardly sufficient. When he grows up, he’ll understand a little bit more. What did I know when I was eight about movies? I was watching Sharon in Friends in Love, Janice in I’ll Wait for You, Vilma in Gaano Kadalas ang Minsan? Why was I allowed in the cinema to watch Vilma? The theme of that film was very adult, lending your husband to your friend, that kind of drama. It was in Real Theatre, which is long gone. It was replaced by mini-mall a decade later, or was it earlier or even later? I could no longer figure that out. The brain’s firepower clearly diminishes with age.

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