Friday, April 30, 2010

all happy, in glee

always encumbered with low morale, i just click on glee to light up my somber, monotonous backdrop. the production numbers are wonderfully rendered and beautifully choreographed, such depth of talent in the cast. there is something mouth-watering every week, a great work of art.


right smacked amid the centrifuge, there's an underlying undercurrent in choosing the right company to uplift the spirits. work at best is great, if being with chosen friends whilst learning the peculiarity of the language and scrutinizing the pain and trauma of confinement. we choose the people to spend our precious time whether it's a date night in a straight play, listening to an indie band in the alleyways of Camden, screaming and cheering in an intense football match. we might not read the same books, wear the same clothes, prepare spaghetti in identical fashion, have similar opinions of what constitute marital bliss, or good tv. we do tend to be haughty if deemed necessary, in a highly exquisite style. we (I, more than anyone) commit atrocious mistakes in grammar and pronunciation. but we support each other's choices. we need to sit down and have a lovely tête-à-tête. maybe next week.


In my latest quest to conquer the challenges of the flickering cursor, I’ve been fighting the exasperating lulls with far less enthusiasm than usual. There are only a few The Good Wife episodes to brighten up my mood. While Habang May Buhay is on full blood and gory throttle, just a regular operatic offering in plots and themes in the teleserye landscape. It will do just fine, it’s a Judy Ann Santos series, her character would be standing proud and tall in the end. There are other shows but I haven’t been particularly keen in pressing play in the recorded planner in the last week and that includes two episodes of Glee. Maybe tomorrow, it’s a rainy weekend, but the prolonged daylight should push us to produce the best yield.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

subtle drifts

kindness, patience, etiquette, subtlety.

thinking fast, reading swiftly, talking decisively.

there's a great divide between the least common denominator and the poshest class in society. obviously. now there's a new species of humanity known as jejemons? it has replaced jologs. i've got to read this article.

lights in the ceiling

when you're filling in the blanks, all you can show is taking crap pictures of random nooks and crannies. a product of maundering into the recesses of the great citadel, i'm still figuring out how to solve the puzzle.

that day in august

passing along Manchester an hour before the Pearl Jam concert.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

catching up

I was entrenched in our high school facebook page during the weekend rendering me too lackadaisical to function more than reading texts and scrutinizing videos. Our class is way too chaotic at present to be defined as solid and unified.

TV as well as the novel I'm currently bookmarking has taken a backseat. But the commotion will settle soon and the page I've created would be deserted anew, if ever.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

to blog

Or not to blog. Basking under the rays of the early evening sun, conquering the mood swings, the hardships of yore, these are the few highlights of yesterday. The long days are simply great, very deceiving but illuminating.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


All I want to do is sleep, my flesh is weak, my spirit is debilitated. I'm world champion in lie-ins and procrastinations so rest shouldn't be such a big deal. But the piles of paperwork, clothes and clutter in the volcanic- ashed atmosphere are staring me directly in the eye. I cannot run away from the quotidian undertakings. There is an entry in every day of the calendar. Stress is bad though, blogging is cathartic

Sunday, April 18, 2010

not a cloud

A clear sky, it's like living in dreamworld. I couldn't see a dust cloud from here and there. Got to jot down entries in the picnic and frisbee diary for this and next month, and learn how to pronounce Eyjafjallajokul.


I was down in the dumps during the last few days, totally deflated in spirit. It happens to me when I log unto Facebook. My blogger friends are great, utterly cool individuals who write well and regale us with their thoughts, that means Joy and Rye. People judge you through the patter of tiny feet. If by any chance you're struggling with the obstetric process, one is deemed a failure by any chance. They don't say it outright but their line of questioning lead to that point. But as my high school classmate Jay, had layed it out succinctly almost two years ago, I was just stressed.

Friday, April 16, 2010

(painting by alpha shanahan)

if only i have a modicum of artistry in my veins. sad, i can't draw a straight line. being artistic could at least lift up the permeating mundanities. but my tita wan has a great body of work and i was thrilled to the core when her artworks were the featured background in a facebook page just this week. i know our place was the template for the hubby's breakfast event and what else imbues our sitting room but my aunt's artwork.

on that note, happy birthday to tita wan and two!
wishing you all the best.

cool it

people who chill are happier. i'm stressed because i don't chill.
on that same line of thoughts, can't wait for the muse tickets.
been anticipating for a year.


a momentous event such as this does not happen often. taking a crap out of the gooners at work is so much fun. i have a mystery with a broken plate at home, and it's very much related to the glorious exultations of a most favorable result in this north london derby.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

minus one

It's slowly filling in the blanks. This piece is about codes, from the title onwards to the whole paragraph, the few sentences in the cube. It's only four minus one.

Monday, April 12, 2010

sing a song, about kites and sorbetes

i couldn't sing to save my life. quite sad as the philippines is a world leader in karaoke singing. i envy the likes of ryan, janette, tina, etc, who can belt out tunes on the fly. if they are still in high school they could render their own solos for new directions, the show choir from glee.

as for me, i'm just happy being part of the audience. i clap and clap and salute their talents, which bring me to the song above, a performance number for my girl scout group. i can still recall the original choreography after twenty years. another song by celeste legaspi is mamang sorbetero, this was the showpiece song of my grade school choir (for which i was not a member, of course). it's easy to sing, very pleasant to the ears. in the san sebastian residence, max was the resident sorbetero. the chimes of his ice cream cart was a sound of mesmerising beauty, lights up the day of a dreary childhood.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

golf yawning

at this juncture : the masters is on tv. tiger just birdied the 18th in the last round. he's not going to win this year. it might be mickelson, might be. i'm not a big fan of the lefty, never have been.

i wasn't able to see tiger's front nine. i will try to review the card later. the back nine wasn't exactly pretty either. he wasn't driving the ball properly and the careless three putt on the 14th did not help his cause. the interview after the match wasn't congenial. he was pretty moody. i wonder what's his next tournament will be? i'll just block the dates for the majors, he might turn up, especially the Open at St. Andrews.


it's not nice but.

back ache

It's Sunday, it's probably just like any other Sunday. Stressed to the core, I am. Headaches, ulcers afflict my system with impunity. A day of utmost pressure and the body aches are on the attack.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


It was fairly warm yesterday, at long last. After months of wearing thermal fabrics and a variety of coats, I survived with merely a shirt on my back. I didn't shiver and mouth profanities. I was basking in the light, absorbing the glorious walk to the cinema. This type of sauntering along the pavements is a seldom occurrence during a regular week. If not working, the chores take priority. After years of marital bliss, I still can't function in a mess.

Thursday, April 08, 2010


It’s a beautiful day or probably it is, I’m merely peeking at the window. I’ve been so tired the last few days, can’t recover that easily from the gruelling hours of travel and jumping unto work right away. Other people can. Fat old me struggles from exhaustion. I woke up late and wasn’t able to catch the movie I’ve been planning to discern for weeks at the cinema. A twelve noon viewing time is way too early for me these days.. My husband told me that it’s uploaded in the computer, blah, blah, blah. But you know, my seven pounds could go a long way in helping out the film’s lead stars carve an even more luxurious lifestyle. It’s sometimes all about the money.

My nephew who’s eight was narrating to me the entire plot of Twilight and New Moon. Are the Twilight series for kids or teenagers or both? He was asking questions about vampires and babies and my explanations were hardly sufficient. When he grows up, he’ll understand a little bit more. What did I know when I was eight about movies? I was watching Sharon in Friends in Love, Janice in I’ll Wait for You, Vilma in Gaano Kadalas ang Minsan? Why was I allowed in the cinema to watch Vilma? The theme of that film was very adult, lending your husband to your friend, that kind of drama. It was in Real Theatre, which is long gone. It was replaced by mini-mall a decade later, or was it earlier or even later? I could no longer figure that out. The brain’s firepower clearly diminishes with age.

Monday, April 05, 2010

a good hard look

When Recto tells you you’re fat, there are certain negative reactions that are way too stressful. Well, I contemplated, took stock of the mud and grime and began eating more milk chocolates. I wouldn’t have the strength to say no to the temptations of carbs -- pasta, pizza, rice, bread. I wouldn’t have the time to exercise ninety minutes per day. I could try a routine of discipline. But trying is not doing.

Will I forever stare at my slender photographic reflections wistfully? Watch this space.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Sunday the fourth

It's Easter, all the shops are closed in Newcastle's City Center. We walked around with the little nippers. I call them the smart tykes brigade, with the cool breeze pervading in the northeast area. The radiant rays of the sun was simply a promise in the horizon. We have hours of train rides ahead for the hubby and me. There are at least a million stops until London King's Cross. Patience is the key to sanity. The novel I carry ought to be hilarious but I'm struggling dissecting between the lines. Oh well, I've got to drift off now. My right fingers are frozen pressing the touch screen.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

pillow sounds

It's almost five am. Been awake for almost two hours. I couldn't go back to sleep. The eyes are straining. Should I help myself to some videos? The nephews are asleep in another room. They are quite astute and brainy. My mom and dad would have been so proud of their grandchildren. Such precociousness runs in the family. For their age, they're very literate. They have manners. That is what's important. A person laden with values is a credit to society. Yeah, I spout sentimental rubbish when I toss and turn at dawn. But then again I always spout a load of crap.

black saturday

It's April, yet I'm freezing. There's no network television from home. So I couldn't watch Habang May Buhay. However there is football away in sunny Sunderland where a win could at least ease the pain of the Lakers losing streak.

At the boozer after the match :

Spurs lost. The away seats were declassified. Seat anywhere my ass. We should have been nearer the goal. Apologies for the expletives. I'm used to colorful language especially when I'm watching sports. Or not. I could swear any moment when the need arises, a few are just too goody-goody. It's time to stop the pretense.

Gomez saving two penalties was one bright light. Spurs are off to Wembley next week. No need to get any more annoyed.