Friday, October 19, 2007

autumn twist

it's during times like these when i miss my mom. she was so adept with her social skills that it makes me wonder why i still could not labor successfully in the ice age. my friend gee's mom once uttered that "taking care of sick people is merely common sense." my daytime subsistence is not rocket science. it's harder to construct a profound short story or compose deep, meaningful poetry. but in every workplace there is bitchiness and it takes more than poise and solid grounding to survive a deluge of pompous behavior.

my head is killing me as i'm writing these, one of those moments i'm not lingering, lying haplessly in bed drooling in elevated temperature. the change of weather (or the monotonous countdown to the next summer) did me in as well as the hubby's cold which took him a week to conquer. i'm slowly finishing off the world's supply of tissue paper in my sniffling state and with all the green imbroglio hugging the headlines and al gore becoming a nobel laureate, i've decided that zac goldsmith is an overprivileged toff.

in my bed, are the accumulated newspapers -- owned by the same company, metro (yes, my friends, the free paper) and the evening standard, i have started dipping into them but not in its entirety. i forgot i've got to clip the christian slater interview (is tamara mellon a keeper?) and bookmark the liar by fry that is taking me months to finish. i haven't tinkered the television remote since my parents left us, in sombre tones, except perhaps some tweaking with the web for shows uploaded by fellow members of select fan clubs. then there's the glee in embedding shakespeare in one's thoughts -- patrick stewart, ian mckellen and jude law aka macbeth (i'm definitely going), king lear and hamlet. i couldn't wait. but the jury is still out with the off duty.

but the highly-addictive blogs i've crashed into accidentally have kept me going for the reviews and tiered, rindered observations of current issues of the day. hopefully some colleagues would join the blogosphere. then it would be politically-correct to ask if its all about the writing, the uploads, or the photos. we could wipe away all the gossips, the senseless grandstanding, all the smudges that affect the universe by reading more and practice expressing our emotions through highly-evolved letter-strings. if only i can stop coughing and snorting. i don't like having a cold. not at all.

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