Monday, February 12, 2007

the fluff

most people has this shallow view of both my husband and i as impassioned sports dorks. perhaps true. but we surely relish our other dimensions. there's more to life than the gossips at the zone. the pervading event around acquaintances, has been (since i was still a child pulling my mom's dress) were the parties -- children, adults alike enjoy all the food and the exuses for celebrations. hosting and attending these festivities are the centrioles of pinoy life. for pinoy diaspora, there's the added laxury of travel and the quest for a chanel purse. but the sight of a ginormous lechon is still the beholden status quo of filipino existence. there's also the never-ending quest of keeping up with the joneses. if the ayala's bought a boeing 737, the macalintal's would then splurge on air bus' latest model and purchase a villa in the bahamas. always a case of one-upmanship.

since i can't stand the payslip devoir and some of the downy colleagues (people could actually do with less arrogance), i'm in a pool of darkness and misery. it's not the patients nor the categorically foreign entities. it's the people who wouldn't stop speaking the dialect in the presence of virtual strangers and brag their expertise and hundred years of nursing experience. i even came across someone who didn't know anything but still has the gall and temerity to lament "hindi ko alam, eh. turuan mo ako!" thank goodness, i haven't heard from her for years. but a clone of her emerged from the shadows of north london. thirty years in nightingale's clothing did not sprinkle generosity nor amiability. is it too much to ask for a little humility? maybe it is. in the words of jamie aditya..............
i can't quote jamie, his words sting and bite you 'till you bleed.
but i can totally relate.

there would be a ray of light someday (pardon the ode to madge). but right now. it's quite bleak. but i still got books to read and films to watch.

and nah, the hubby and i are not just all about sports.


nunu'smum said...

Hullo! Followed a link from my stats and ended up here!

Thanks for the linky love!

You're here in the UK too? whereabouts?

Natawa naman ako sa 'lechon/oneupmanship post true huh!

Hope to hear from you!

nunu'smum said...

It's Pinay in Barnsley btw, your comment box won't allow 'anonymous' kasi eh...

freezejas said...

hello nunu's mom,

sorry for not replying to your comments for months. i had no web connection for a while then i got sick, after that i wasn't lucky with my pregnancy. anyway, i'm stuck here in north london. not that bad, just expensive.