Friday, October 11, 2019


Before I will give my thoughts on Memories of the Alhambra, the first Kdrama I followed in real time.  I’ll talk about my diary first. It has been a while since I’ve been writing about myself.  Nothing’s changed really, I remain deeply an introvert, not really going out much, unless it’s an invite to a kid’s birthday party. I still hyperventilate whenever I bring Chichi (my nickname for my daughter, I’m the only person who calls her Chichi) to ballet class and during school runs.  Ah, those parents and their judgments and arrogance. 

After my surgery last year, my Bradford Score has improved.  I haven’t been writing. I haven’t been reading or tidying up the house. All I seem to do is watch Kdramas or these days, Chinese Dramas and a bit of Japanese Dramas. As I observe the Far East lenses, they seem to be affluent in Asia, at least in the Chinese and Japanese dramas I am watching. They have these amazingly high-tech gadgets at home and talking, touch screen computers, facial recognition with doors. 

As it’s such a mess in my literal surroundings, I need to breathe in, simmer down.  In the larger scale, health is wealth.  I have to take care of my health as I grow older.  My hypertension is such a killer.  I view life with trepidation when it comes to health.  Career and stuff are not the most vital thing in perspective (a loser’s mantra, but really, no one is a loser in this world).  Working with the salt of the  earth are what keeps us growing as a human being.   At my age, I should be chilled.  I know sometimes, it gets really annoying but what could we do about the condescending attitude of the powers-that-be’s, the holier than thou’s. 

Plus, too much gossip sullies perspectives.  I try to to avoid social media, a lot less Facebook. Instagram is helpful when it comes to celebrities, those who share anyway. No posts from me. Yet? But for those who prefer life in private, they don’t update as much, they prefer their publicity and promotions in hashtags. For C-ent, (imagine that, me following C-ent when I depend on subtitles), there’s Weibo, which is being translated for Twitter users by very kind souls.  I follow K-ent  and most news through Twitter. Love Twitter for the news and the translation.