Wednesday, March 28, 2012

double carbs

any realisations in the first few months of the year all boil down to enlightenment. but just like one's basher on twitter, i've learned to click block and ignore. i've regained a little bit of my strength, not a lot, although enough for a cat fight and i'm not fond of cats.

my favourite people remain congenial. they seldom text. i'm the one that utilises the message machine. i don't mind these days. it's still spring, almost summer, brightens up the mood.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


it's a halt in communication. but no sweat, i will chill. i asked to meet a friend, in a text, a week ago. maybe i'm not good company for high street coffee, in my case, sugar free drinks.

but there's virginia woolf, i have books to soothe my concerns, such a dork. at least, the sickness is almost gone. there are some remnants left but it's not as debilitating. i still experience tiredness when i miss my afternoon siesta or venture a few meters from point A to point B.

nonetheless, yeah, the domestic arena is highly-competitive. as if you know, you're really nobody unless somebody loves you, which is a lot of crap. being in a union is hard work, it's not merely for display. you have to synchronise your thoughts together and have in-depth discussions on issues that befall mankind.

that said, i utterly salute my single friends. they're there during times of need. if only they live next door or at least nearby, i could inhale and exhale more comfortably. but i'm hoping to regain more bearings.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

green light

there's a lull somewhere this hour, that i took a pen and jot down some notes. the nurse at health and works suggested last week that if i'm too frail to perform my own chores, why don't i ask a few of my friends to help out, like cooking or a little bit of cleaning. that's very good in theory i reckon, but i couldn't even get them to text me, how much more assist in simple undertakings. the world of the diaspora is more or less about the gatherings and enveloping the buzz in some circles. ministering to a wounded comrade seem to be a farfetched notion unless one cries for help.

if i have full strength, it's a different story, i try my best to be nice. when my mom had her stroke and in the hospital, she had loads of visitors, bringing fruits. but they're there only for a visit. none wouldn't dare perform unenviable tasks for a bed bound person, except family. yes, it's always about family. they would certainly cook for us.

it's a good thing my husband doesn't mind my constant neediness. i'm also grateful for those souls who suggested that i rest. they're certainly not the people whom i mentioned to ry,  i'll cut their numbers to two. the individual on the phone offered me the special vermicelli. i give credit.

i know, i still hate hanging texts. i know we don't always have time for prolonged phone conversations. but we'll get over some stuff.